We will finish. Someday.

Bruegel - Tower of Babel

This project is taking a litte longer than expected. Having some language problems as well. But we will finish. We promise.

"whose top may reach unto heaven" - that is the tower we want to build. Some may call us crazy. Some may call us naive. But we are determined and beside from having some language problems between some of our workers we are very much in our plan and will succeed!

  Transcript of telephone call Mrs. Smith  

March 25, 2005

Mrs. Smith made a phone call. Transcript was sent by anonymous caller.

Stone Management

Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Smith made a telephone call

This project website is run by Tower of Babel International, London, but is not at all associated with the Babel Tower Coorporation, Antalya or the Babel Tower Group, Jamaica.

  Language problems, rebuilding floors 1.000-2.5000  


Some misunderstandings between "The Working Wombats" and "The Building Bees" led to floor 2.500 (luxury apartments) beeing build on floor 1.000. Rebuilding of floors 1.000-2.500 necessary.

Construction Work

Working Group "The Building Bees"
Working Group "The Working Wombats"

Research Request  09.03.2025 03:40
R1: PDF downloads of worker group protocols
New Question  09.03.2025 03:40
Investigation of misunderstandings
New Question  09.03.2025 03:40
Available stone deposits in the area
New Document  09.03.2025 03:40
DOFSTON Certificate Refusal (23.06.2005)

R1: PDF downloads of worker group protocols
Click on the tags for searching for the term.
Is Mrs. Smith THE Mrs. Smith I encountered in Durbanport in 1957?? How exciting!